Travis Conte

Travis earned $623,000 gross commission income (GCI) .

“We're debt free, we travel 2-3 months out of the year.”


Redwood City, CA

Member since 2015

“We’re debt free, we travel 2-3 months out of the year, all because of the coaching.”

Travis Conte

Travis Conte shares how he got involved in One2One coaching™ with Buffini & Company, and how it has changed his life and his career.

“On an average week I was working between 50 and 60 hours. My relationships and my family suffered because of that, it was very challenging.”

“I was at my wits end, I was actually going to stop working in real estate completely.”

Soon after, Travis was introduced to Buffini & Company through the San Jose Success Tour .

A couple months after, Travis decided to move forward with coaching to help him with accountability and structure. One2One coaching has helped Travis effectively work by referral and achieve a level of success and happiness both in his business and personal life.

Travis Conte Results:

2018 — Travis Conte earned $623,000 gross commission income (GCI) .

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